There’s no one size fits all way to deal with anxiety. If a routine works for you, like the saying, goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Now new first-person accounts are reaching the net about how to deal with anxiety during the pandemic.
Moving and Breathing
A lot of people enjoy practicing yoga to reduce stress and anxiety. As one woman wrote on, “I don’t know how I would have made it through the pandemic, and my transition to living in New York City, without Ashtanga yoga.”
This woman learned about this yoga practice when she traveled to India. This kind of yoga is quite physical and athletic,” she notes. “It’s made up of a variety of postures that are done while standing, seated, and twisting, as well as in backbends and inversions.”
At first, this woman had a hard time with it because she hadn’t become flexible with practice, but now she loves it. “the practice continues to challenge my comfort zone, and as I become friends with my mind…When emotions like frustration, anxiety and sadness rise, I am learning to be mindful and be aware. I recognize negative thoughts, evaluate them, and try not to react to them. I let go of any judgment and replace it with a positive thought, which helps me feel at ease.”
Trying to Keep Anxiety Under Control
As one doctor writes for Elemental, fear is essential to have because it’s a survival mechanism. “Anxiety, on the other hand, is an anti-survival mechanism,” the doctor explains. “Not only does it contribute to chronic health problems, but it makes us feel bad right now. And ironically, it thwarts learning.”
When you have anxiety, you overthink things, which is what so many of us are doing now. Can we get to the supermarket without getting sick? Should we try and leave the house? You know the voices you’ve probably been hearing in your head since the pandemic became a real threat.
Funny enough, while there are concerns about politics this year as well, this doctor recommends to think of your mind “like the government. Its congress gets elected based on the relevant issues of the day. With all of these loud voices in our head, we can easily get swept in two directions: panicking or feeling overwhelmed and shutting down.”
Yet we need to practice, so we don’t “allow the anxiety voices to call the shots.” When you recognize anxiety for what it is, you become an observer. “By observing a voice or a thought in your head, by definition, you are less identified with it.”
In other words, you practice mental distance, much like we’re now social distancing. Look at your anxiety from the third person position. As your brain stops fueling the anxiety in your mind and gives more credence and support to the calm voices in your head “you are effectively casting a vote for more of the latter…See if you can begin to name some of those congresspeople in your mind and decide who you want to keep voting for – and who is full of bluster and ready to be voted out.”
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